- The Voice Exorcist -
New and Featured from The Voice Exorcist...
Released to Audible.com on August 1, 2024, STRANGER THAN FICTION," Book 4 of Scott Colby's Deviant Magic series, is now available!
Click the image to preview this brilliantly snarky fantasy, and be sure to watch for more audiobooks from the Deviant Magic series soon!
A video walk-through of an elevator monitoring and communication system.
Visit Amphitech : https://www.amphitech.fr/
Visit Peech Studios : https://peechstudio.com/
A Video Introducing the "Grow" community-building platform, in Evansville, IN.
A sample from the "Heavenly Father" project, a devotional series intended to uplift and encourage Christian women.
See more of the "Heavenly Father" project at DeepVision's Facebook page, here.
Visit DeepVision
Released to Audible.com on September 3, 2024, E. A. Rivière's sequel to "The Plowman's Plight" continues the tale of hapless Bertwoin as he seems once again destined for the hangman's noose!!
Click the image to preview this haunting historical fiction!
A video introduction to a new business analytics software solution.
A promotional trailer for the 'Silo' series, aired on Apple TV+ in May, 2023.